EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

On the contrary, theism is the belief that God
created the universe, but He exists apart from it.
Also, the physical world is real.

Why is this distinction important? If pantheism
is right, to experience God, seekers should
look within to become one with some dormant
divine essence. This is actually the basis of yogic

If this were the case, Jesus’ final instructions
to His disciples would have been completely
different. He would have told them to go to the
upper room and meditate until the Kundalini
(the ‘Serpent Power’) was awakened from within.
Instead He told them to wait until they were
“endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49,
emphasis by author). He was speaking of an
encounter with an external God, not an internal
divine essence. The Bible description of this
glorious visitation on the day of Pentecost is truly

And suddenly there came a sound from
heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it
filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Then there appeared to them divided tongues,
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