EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

Reincarnation or Resurrection?

My guru also taught reincarnation. Jesus, on the
other hand, taught resurrection. He prophetically

“Do not marvel at this; for the hour is
coming in which all who are in the graves will
hear His voice and come forth – those who
have done good, to the resurrection of life ....”
(John 5:28-29)
He verified this truth, setting a pattern in
motion, by rising from the dead Himself. He
foretold this event to His disciples, saying,
“Because I live, you shall live also” ( John 14:19). But
why is physical resurrection necessary?

When I was a yoga teacher I thought it made
much more sense that we would eventually
evolve into more advanced spiritual beings
without physical forms. However, now I see the
logic behind this foundational Biblical teaching.

The reason we need a resurrected body
concerns our ultimate destiny. According to
Jesus’ teaching, those who follow Him will one
day inherit the earth, when this world is turned

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