EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

into a glorious, God-filled paradise once again.
So it will be essential for us to have perfected,
glorified physical bodies in order to function in a
perfected physical world. Those in covenant with
the true God are not destined to be formless beings
merging into oneness with some omnipresent
cosmic force (as I used to teach); we are destined
to have an eternal form that is a reflection of the
very image of the Most High God Himself.

Strangely, Buddhism teaches that our ultimate
end is to become nothing (nirvana – cessation
of personal existence). Hinduism teaches we
become everything (blending in with Brahman).
But Christianity is altogether different. We will
ever be one with God, yet we will simultaneously
maintain a unique and separate identity as the
sons of God and inheritors of all things in heaven
and earth.

Remember, as stated earlier, Jesus validated the
Biblical view of resurrection by arising victorious
over death Himself. This is something that no
other great religious leader can claim, which by
itself proves the uniqueness and exclusiveness of

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