EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

over by ‘authorities’ who wanted to keep that
esoteric knowledge suppressed – but what if that
is not the case? What if the books in question
were really spurious attempts to alter the
worldview of the Lord Jesus to fit in comfortably
with a Gnostic approach? What if those books are
actually the ones misrepresenting His message,
not the Bible?

Anyone can do a scholarly study on how our
present Bible evolved and see the enormous
amount of scrutiny that went into its compilation,
and how there are few, mostly minor, differences
between the most ancient documents and our
modern copies: nothing that changes the essence
of the message. If the Gospels are the true accounts
of Jesus’ words (the view I wholeheartedly
embrace), then any truth seeker should earnestly
study them to find out what Jesus actually said.

When I did this, it changed my life. If you
dare to do it, it will change yours also. The word
guru basically means “dispeller of darkness” or
“one who brings you out of darkness into light.”
If anyone has ever been truly qualified to bear
this title and fill this role, it was JESUS. So
borrowing that word from the Eastern culture for

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