The Treasurer’s Guide to Trade Finance

(Martin Jones) #1


oriented entity if they are held in a foreign
currency account based in India.
ƒ The RBI, ADs or the EXIM Bank can allow
exporters to open and maintain foreign
currency accounts in the currency of their
choice, with inter-project transferability of
funds, in any currency or country.

ƒ All invisible transaction and current transfer
proceeds must be repatriated.
ƒ Commercial credits with maturities of six
months are permitted from residents to non-
residents, but approval is required for longer

India imports exports

Bank accounts

ƒ Resident companies cannot hold local
currency (INR) bank accounts outside India.
ƒ Approval is usually needed from the RBI for
resident companies wanting to open foreign
currency accounts, within or outside India.
ƒ Foreign currency accounts are available
domestically to residents holding an account
with an AD. These accounts are non-interest
bearing and can be used for funds resulting
from the export of goods and services, legal
transactions with non-residents in India and
the remitting of balances from travel abroad.

ƒ Residents are permitted to open and hold
foreign currency bank accounts outside
India for current and capital account
transactions so long as they remit not more
than USD 200,000 or its equivalent in foreign
currency each financial year. Remittances
over USD 200,000 or for other purposes
require RBI approval.
ƒ Non-resident companies can hold local
currency bank accounts and foreign currency
bank accounts in India.

Trade information

Key trading partners

Imports by origin

China 12.0%
EU 11.9%
UAE 7.7%
Switzerland 6.8%
Saudi Arabia 6.1%
Other 55.5%

Source: WTO, September 2012

Exports by destination

EU 18.1%
UAE 12.4%
USA 10.9%
China 5.5%
Singapore 5.2%
Other 47.9%

Principal exports
Petroleum products, gems and jewellery,
machinery, iron and steel, chemicals, vehicles
and apparel.

ƒ A certificate of origin, cargo release order,
bill of entry, technical standard certificate,
commercial invoice, foreign exchange
control form, product manual, terminal
handling receipts, inspection reports and a
packing list.
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