Trade information
Key trading partners
Imports by origin
China 14.8%
Singapore 14.6%
Japan 11.0%
South Korea 7.3%
EU 7.0%
Other 45.3%
Source: WTO, September 2012
Exports by destination
Japan 16.6%
China 11.3%
EU 10.1%
Singapore 9.1%
USA 8.1%
Other 44.8%
Indonesia imports exports
Bank accounts
Resident companies cannot hold local
currency (IDR) bank accounts outside
Resident companies can hold foreign
currency bank accounts both within and
outside Indonesia.
Non-residents are permitted to hold local
currency accounts domestically but are only
permitted to hold current and time deposit
foreign currency accounts.
Principal exports
Oil and gas, electrical appliances, plywood,
textiles and rubber.
Commercial invoice, packing list, terminal
handling receipts, import declaration form
(PIB), insurance document, bill of lading and
a cargo release order.
Export declaration form (PEB), packing list,
bill of lading and a commercial invoice.
Most goods imported into Indonesia require
an import licence.
In most cases, goods fall under the terms of
a general licence.
Importers of certain agricultural produce
and foodstuffs must be designated by the
Ministry of Trade (
The Ministry of Trade provides trade permits
to export companies in Indonesia.
Some commodities can only be exported
from Indonesia with prior permission from
the Ministry of Trade; approval may be
temporarily withdrawn to maintain domestic
supply levels of certain products or to
address price stability issues.
As a member of the ASEAN and participant
in the AFTA, Indonesia is subject to the
Common Effective Preferential Tariff
(CEPT) scheme, which applies tariff rates of
between zero and 5 percent to goods with
at least 40 percent ASEAN content if traded
within ASEAN. The CEPT covers around
98 percent of all tariffs.
Non-ASEAN country import tariffs are
implemented in accordance with AFTA and
WTO regulations. Capital goods and raw
materials are subject to a 5 percent tariff.