Trade information
Key trading partners
Imports by origin
USA 49.8%
China 14.9%
EU 10.8%
Japan 4.7%
South Korea 3.9%
Other 15.9%
Source: WTO, September 2012
Exports by destination
USA 78.7%
EU 5.5%
Canada 3.1%
China 1.7%
Colombia 1.6%
Other 9.4%
Mexico imports exports
residents in Mexico’s northern border area
or the regions of Baja California and Baja
California Sur.
Non-resident companies can hold local
currency bank accounts within Mexico.
Non-resident companies must register
foreign currency accounts held in Mexico
with the authorities.
Principal exports
Manufactured goods, oil and oil products, silver,
fruits, vegetables, coffee and cotton.
Commercial invoice (with complete
description of goods to be imported), bill
of lading, packing list and, sometimes, a
certificate of origin. Certificates of inspection
may also be required for imports of raw
materials and/or evidence of compliance
with regulations.
Commercial invoice (with complete
description of goods to be exported), bill
of lading, packing list and, sometimes, a
certificate of origin.
Of 12,149 items subject to general tariffs, 129
require a licence from the Ministry of Economy.
Branded patent medicines, food products
and drinks must be registered with the
Ministry of Health.
Exports of petroleum products and their
derivatives, narcotic substances, some iron
ore and weapons require licences.
Exports of industrial raw diamonds require
a licence in accordance with the Kimberley
Certification Process.