The Treasurer’s Guide to Trade Finance

(Martin Jones) #1


Bank accounts

ƒ Resident companies can hold foreign
currency bank accounts in the Philippines
as well as foreign currency bank accounts
outside the Philippines, provided they are
not funded with foreign exchange purchased

from authorised agent banks (AABs) and
AAB-forex corporations.
ƒ Non-resident companies can hold local
currency (PHP) and foreign currency bank
accounts in the Philippines subject to some

Philippines imports exports

ƒ The extension of PHP loans to non-residents
by banks is not allowed.
ƒ Domestic currency cross-border payments
and settlement for capital transactions is
prohibited if they exceed PHP 10,000 or the
equivalent in foreign currency.
ƒ Prior and subsequent registration with
the BSP is required for all outward direct
investments over USD 60 million annually
if the foreign exchange is to be purchased
from the domestic banking system.

ƒ Prior approval from the BSP International
Department is required for individual exports
and imports that exceed PHP 10,000 in
cash, cheques, money orders and other bills
of exchange denominated in pesos.
ƒ Individuals that import or export foreign
currency in excess of USD 10,000 or its
equivalent in cash and/or cheques must
notify the customs authorities
( in writing. Information
on the source and purpose of the transport
of the funds must also be provided.

Trade information

Key trading partners

Imports by origin

Japan 11.0%
USA 10.9%
China 10.2%
Singapore 8.1%
EU 7.4%
Other 52.4%

Source: WTO, September 2012

Exports by destination

Japan 18.5%
USA 14.8%
China 12.7%
EU 12.4%
Singapore 8.9%
Other 32.7%

Principal exports
Semiconductors and electronic products,
transport equipment, garments, copper products,
petroleum products, coconut oil and fruits.

ƒ Commercial invoice, customs import
declaration, packing list, terminal handling
receipts, bill of lading, confirmation receipt for
payment of customs fees, delivery order and
a cargo release order.
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