Russian Federation
Economic and trade overview
Key figures
Economy 2011 Trade 2011 (USD billion)
GDP (USD) 1,895 bn Goods Exports 513
GDP per capita (USD) 13,268 Imports 316
GDP volume growth (year-on-year) + 4.3% Net + 197
Population 142.84m Services Exports 58
MMR (year average) 3.93% Imports 93
Exchange rate RUB / USD (year average) 29.382 Net – 35
BoP (goods, services & income) as % of GDP + 5.4% Source: IFS, IMF, January 2013
International/Regional memberships
Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS): since 8 December 1991.
Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC):
since 29 March 1996. Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are also members.
Uzbekistan is currently suspended.
International Monetary Fund (IMF):
since 1 June 1992.
World Trade Organization (WTO):
since 22 August 2012.
Government trade policy
Russia has negotiated free trade agreements
with all its fellow CIS member states.
A customs union between Russia, Belarus
and Kazakhstan entered into force on 5 July
2010, with all remaining customs border
controls lifted on 1 July 2011. The three
participants launched a common economic
space on 1 January 2012.
VTB Bank ( and
Vnesheconombank ( provide
export finance and state guarantees. VTB
Bank also provides finance for exported
covered by intergovernmental trade
Russia has 15 special economic zones
(Federal Agency for Management of Special
Economic Zones —
Currency and exchange controls
Official currency: Russian ruble (RUB).
Exchange rate arrangement:
controlled floating.
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
( imposes exchange controls on
authorised banks. The Federal Service for
Fiscal and Budgetary Supervision
( imposes controls on
resident companies trading internationally.
Export proceeds are required to be credited to
residents’ foreign currency accounts. Resident
companies are able to hold proceeds in
accounts overseas in limited cases.
Securities issued/sold overseas by residents
require the prior authorisation of the Federal
Financial Markets Service (
Bank accounts
Permission to hold currency accounts
RUBForeign currency RUBForeign currency
company ✔ ✔ ✔
company ✔ ✔ ✔
** N/A
* Provided the tax authorities are subsequently notified.
** Subject to certain restrictions.