The Treasurer’s Guide to Trade Finance

(Martin Jones) #1




ƒ Import tariffs average around 5 percent.
Tariffs vary according to whether the imports
are from countries with which Ukraine has
a free or preferential trade agreement, from
countries granted ‘most favoured nation’
status, or from other countries.

ƒ Excise duties also apply to certain imports.

ƒ There is also VAT of 20 percent on most


ƒ Tariffs are levied on animal hides and skins,
livestock and sunflower seeds.

Financing requirements for imports/
ƒ NBU approval is needed for advance import
payments exceeding 180 days.
ƒ There are no financing requirements for

Prohibited items
ƒ Imports that are prohibited in accordance
with UN Security Council resolutions, such
as items deemed a threat to fauna and flora
and national security.
ƒ Additional items prohibited for import:
weapons and ammunition, hazardous
substances, narcotics, various
pharmaceutical products, batteries and
ƒ Exports that are prohibited in accordance
with UN Security Council resolutions.
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