Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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158 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

mental approach. It wants to introduce students to the specific approach of the second
year bachelor design studio and also allow them to get to know the teachers.

During the academic year 2006-2007, students had to focus on ‘Living in Utopia’.
Students are given a concise theoretical information package before the introduction
of the design assignment. In this case students had the choice to start working from
either the utopian work of Constant, and more specific his most architectural work: New
Babylon or from the work of contemporary authors theorizing “The fragmented city”.
Further information on the two subjects of utopian city’s is gathered by small
groups of students and presented to all the participants of the design studio. In this
way all students can get more and precise information about the ideas of the different
thinkers presented to them in the information package. They must be able to make
a well-considered choice for one of the approaches as inspiration for their design
projects. Finally, design proposals, developed in small groups, are presented to all
participants of the design studio as a subject for an open debate about dwelling.

sketch Constant

a student’s interpretation

Housing on a site with inclined profile

A second exercise comprises of conceiving an individual house in combination with
a community space on a site with a strong inclination. The introduction provides
students with extensive information about the context, site, programme and social

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