Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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2 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

This paper describes how advanced media tech-
nologies are used to explore architectural spaces
through movement and visualizes the concept
and the current state of development of "reac-
tive spaces” in the media laboratory no_LAb. How
can one communicate with architectural spaces,
through one's movement or even one's appear-
ance? One goal of the project N `Files - A Space To
React is it to develop a system which supports the
interaction between spatial areas and its users.
A space, which is changing with and through the
user....which reacts to the user’s input. The basis
for such experiments was laid in research f ields
such as Ambient Intelligence (AmI), Ubiquitous
Computing or Hybrid Environments. If take these
new communication and interaction possibilities
some steps further, then it becomes clear that
our traditional sense of space will be transformed
radically by them.

One must be accurate, if one daydreams.
If one does not daydream, liberties are allowed.
That is the deadly about academic thinking,
because it thinks always protected and falls there-
fore into the dust.
If one daydreams, one cannot take that liberty.

(V.Flusser, 2003)
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