Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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Christian Fröhlich, Martin Kern Technical University Graz, Austria Institute for Architecture and Media, Austria 5

  1. Keywords

03.1 The Eyes of the Skin

Regardless of our prioritisiation of the eye,
Visual Observation is of ten conf irmed by
our touch. (Juhani Pallasmaa)

03.2 The Eye of the Camera

Vision has been strenghtened by numer-
ous technological inventions. We are now
able to see both deep into the secrets of
matter and immensities of outer space.
The eye of the camera, from the film "The
Man with a Movie Camera" by Dziga Vertov

03.3 Interaction

The taste of the apple...lies in the contact of the fruit with the palate, not in the fruit
itself; in a similar way...poetry lies in the meeting of poem and reader, not in the
lines of symbols printed on the pages of a book. What is essential is the aesthetic
act, the thrill, the almost physical emotion that comes with each reading. (Jorge
Luis Borges)

03.4 Medium

„Medium “is a relations term. "Medium“ is described in Latin as >a center<, thus some-
thing that exists itself in the middle „in medio“, i.e. between two objects refer-
ring one on the other. It is obviously dependent on these two items (...), thus has at
first no own value. Only as arranged contents carriers between producer and recipient,
between designer and user a medium generates identity. (from: Introduction to media
lore / Einführung in die Medienkunde, D. Kerlen, Reclam 2003)

03.5 Atmospheres

The...new aesthetique has to do it with the relationship between environment qualities
and human condition. This “and”, this inbetween both, that, whereby environment
qualities and condition are referred one on the other , that are the atmospheres. (...)
One does not know quite well, should one attributes the atmospheres to the objects
or environments, from which they come from or to the subjects, which receive them.
One does not know as well, where they are. They seem to fulfill the space misty with an
emotional sound. (Gernot Böhme)

03.6 Non-Touch-Sense

A lot of attention is paid to the senses (hearing, seeing and feeling). The touch-less
connection between human being - maschine - space is located via genuine sensual
perception. The immaterial interface and the paradigm of being without contact is
creating a further sensual perception - the non-touch sense. To f ind an approach

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