Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

(backadmin) #1

Christian Fröhlich, Martin Kern Technical University Graz, Austria Institute for Architecture and Media, Austria 9

movement. A constant of the
space perception is extracted
from them: the ground floor.
To f ind an approach to this
unusual sensitive exper i-
ence, associations with the
technique of ChiGong, the
movement of matter by pure
mental energy, are used as
comparisons. Equal to a tra-
pezist the probands will nav-
igate through video matrices
only by shifting their center
of gravitiy and will exper i-
ence and def ine what "for-
ward" means in a nonlinear

07.3 Conditioning of Atmospheres in Architecture (2007)

Hybrid Environments merging physical spaces of actions with spaces of virtuality

Advanced Media Technologies are transforming whole spaces into interfaces, which
react to movement and appearance of their users. Architecture can thereby affect us
directly and not through the detour of sense interpretation. Thus a whole bundle of
architectural means are already implied: materiality - immaterial, performance, body
perception, tactility, mood, sense, sensibility and last not least atmosphere.
In module 1 HYBRID ENVIRONMENTS of our MAS-Program "Architectural Comput-
ing and Media Technology" weare dealing with those potentials of the atmospheric to
produce presence. The participants will use the media-lab no_LAb and the associated
light-lab as playground for realtime-designs and will put to test a new genuine form of
architecture as simulation, before the projects will be casted in an urban context and
become item of a closing discussion with wellknown experts.

  1. Advances in Technology - Changes in Pedagogy

Where Students Dream

Students know best. If you
want to know what is going on
in the world of architecture,
find your way to the nearest
design school and wander
around the tables and the
model shops, the canteen and
the lecture halls. There you can
find the latest experiments.

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