Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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Darren Deane, Eleanor Suess Kingston University, United Kingdom 63

of densif ication: “The philosopher Eugene Dupréel proposed a theory of consolidation: he
demonstrated that that life went not from a center to an exteriority but from an exterior
to an interior, or rather from a discrete or fuzzy aggregate to its consolidation...there is no
beginning from which a linear sequence would derive.” Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A
Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, trans. Brian Massumi (London: Continuum,
200 ), 362. This idea of consolidated entities is very similar to an earlier 20th Century concep-
tion of the artificial work defined by Theordor Adorno which he refers to as the “monad”.
6 Michel Serres, The Birth of Physics, (trans. Jack Hawkes), Clinamen Press, Manchester, 2000,
3-. Drawing on Lucretius, Serres describes how the elements determined by linear flow can
be “torn from destiny,” like a “rupture in determinism.” Like a knot, the “swerve” itself is a
“turbulent” pathway.

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