Three-Dimensional Photography - Principles of Stereoscopy

(Frankie) #1

a decidedly unwashed appearance,.which is far more obvious in
the stereogram than in a planar photograph.
Very often too, the model will have a scratch or bruise upon her
ankle or calf. Cover the mark with makeup before the picture and
blend the edges carefully. Slap-dash makeup is as apparent in
stereo as in real life.
Another error which is made is to leave some jewelry upon the
model. Do not do it. Jewelry is clothing which turns the nude
into a semi-drape and ruins the whole atmosphere. Rings are easily
forgotten, but I could never understand the reason for one model
posing with an elaborate wrist watch as her only article of apparel.
Facial makeup should be kept moderate. In fact, heavy makeup
in any stereo is a mistake. If the fingernails are enameled the toe-
nails should be covered to match, but as a rule the better result
follows when all nails are natural. The fingernail enamel is the
stepping stone between nothing and jewelry just as that lies be-
tween nothing and clothing. It is the touch of the artificial which
can adversely affect the result. The same is not true of facial make-
up as long as it is used to accent natural features. The unpleasant
habit of many girls of repainting the shape of the lip is as ludi-
crous in stereo as it is in real life, and not a bit more deceiving.
The hair is a matter of argument. Of course any elaborate hair
dress is out of place. But as few models today have long hair, this
is not a problem. Any simple style of hair dress will usually serve.
Here too remember the three-dimensional relief of stereo. A hair
dress which might appear simple in planar might reveal too
clearly the artifice employed, when the stereogram is viewed.
When you can make really good stereo nudes, start dressing
your model. First go to the bathing suit. Note the difference. First
of all there is the color disturbance. No longer is there the flow
of natural color. Even a “flesh” colored bathing suit does this.
Next note that the beautiful breast line is ruined, and has become
a shapeless bulge. A torso study which is beautiful in the nude
now becomes ridiculous. There is an ugly accentuation of the hip
line. In short all of the esthetic attraction has gone.
Next add hose and shoes to the bathing suit. What is the result?
For the first time you do have a definite suggestiveness. You will
not like it.
Next have the model dress in all of her clothing, less the outer

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