You have been reading an e-book downloaded from the Stereoscopic Displays and
Applications (SD&A) conference Virtual Library
It should be noted that the books contained in the SD&A conference Virtual Library are
historical documents. In some instances the information and solutions they provide may
not represent current technology, current techniques or current thinking. To track the latest
developments in stereoscopic display topics the reader should refer to the conference
proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference:
The annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications
conference was first held in 1990. There is a
conference proceedings volume for every year since
(and including) 1990. The famous yellow books
contain a wealth of information on stereoscopic
imaging technologies. The conference proceedings
for the years 1990 to 2000 are also available as a
CD-ROM collection. The CD-ROM also includes the
proceedings of the Engineering Reality of Virtual
Reality conference (1994-2000) and papers from 10
other topically related conferences from the period
1977-1989. The conference proceedings for the
2001 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications
Conference and later are available in print format.
Further details are available on the SD&A
Conference Proceedings web page.