nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

Fasting for Faster Detox

In fact, we can go even one step further. Complete abstinence from all food—water-only fasting—
has been shown to be the most effective method ever discovered for quickly re-establishing a
healthy relationship to food.

A properly supervised period of water-only fasting is a safe and effective way to quickly re-sensitize
taste nerves so that whole natural foods can be fully enjoyed. At the True North Health Center in
Northern California,^72 it was noted that for most people, one week of consuming nothing but water
in an environment of complete rest is enough to substantially re-calibrate the taste buds. Patients
find that after a fast, healthful fare tastes as good as the artificially intense foods they may have
been eating previously. Sometimes natural foods taste even better.^73

Cleanse Your Body with Real Food, Not Magic Formulas

It is only by removing toxic, addictive foods from our diets and replacing them with plant-based,
nutrient-rich foods that we can break the cycle of toxic hunger and achieve optimal health and
longevity. That is not something you can get from the detox systems you find in health food stores.
These "detox in a box" programs are loaded with caustic colon-dynamiting substances like senna,
cascara and walnut hull. These irritating herbal laxatives can no more detoxify your whole body
than washing your mouth out with soap!

Detoxification is an ongoing, natural process in a healthy body. The body can use nutrients to fuel
its normal detoxification processes, and will keep itself clean when it has the right mix of nutrients,
phytochemicals and antioxidants—which you get with The Nutrient Rich® Healthy Eating Plan.

Success Result #2: Lose Weight Naturally......................................................................................................

Lose weight naturally, which happens when you optimize up to 90% or more of what you eat for
nutrient density, stay clear of toxic and addictive food substances, get in tune with your body's
natural eating cycles and true hunger, and are no longer driven to either starve or over-consume.

One of the most consistent findings in the field of nutritional research is that people who eat plant-
based diets (like vegetarians and vegans) tend to have lower body-mass indexes (BMIs) than those
who eat a mixed diet.^74 One reason for this may be that nutrient poor-eaters consume significantly

(^73) Goldhamer A. True North Health, Fasting Retreat. Santa Rosa, California.
(^74) Alewaeters K, Clarys P, Hebbelinck M, Deriemaeker P, Clarys JP. Cross-sectional analysis of BMI and some lifestyle
variables in Flemish Vegetarians compared with non-Vegetarians. Ergonomics. 2005;48:1433-1444.
Spencer EA, Appleby PN, Davey GK, Key TJ. Diet and body mass index in 38000 EPIC-Oxford meat-eaters, fish-eaters,
Vegetarians and Vegans. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003;27:728-734.
Dwyer JT. Health aspects of Vegetarian diets. Am J Clin Nutr. 1988;48:712-738.
Key TJ, Fraser GE, Thorogood M, et al. Mortality in Vegetarians and non-Vegetarians: detailed findings from a
collaborative analysis of five prospective studies. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;70(3 Suppl):516S-524S.

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