nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

from raw sources, which are the most nutrient-rich foods, indicating that similar results could be
expected from the nutrient-rich healthy eating style advocated here.

A healthy, disease-free body is able to perform well, because its function is not compromised due to
nutrient deficiency or low nutrient density. Nutrients enable all systems of the body to function
from the immune system to digestion, from respiration to the utilization of calories which fuel, pad
and build the body... If you don’t have the array of nutrients needed, at the level you need them for
the body to function at high levels, you won’t. Hence, the reason this is a high nutrient density, or
“nutrient rich” healthy eating style.

Also, if your body is overwhelmed by toxic food, this doesn’t just cause you to gain weight, it
“compromises the machinery”, the very organs and organ systems that are responsible for
delivering the weight loss and the other Success Results you are seeking. And a toxic body that is
overweight not only causes you to age faster as your body degrades and tries to reproduce faster;
you also drain your vital energy as your body has to put for an exorbitant amount of electrical
energy (life force) to deal with the inefficiencies and impediments to endurance (the clean and
flowing operations of the body) is shouldn’t even have to deal with. Not the least of which, is all the
energy it requires just to convert a super stimulating piece of beef, chicken or even a fish into
human tissue, and process and eliminate the waste with compromised function also caused by
nutrient barren refined foods; plant-based, nutrient rich foods are far more energy efficient.

It is difficult to measure life force or vitality in a scientific study, aside from asking participants if
they feel like they have it, unless you are measuring wattage output capacity as an athlete to give
you a firsthand experience of the vital electrical energy I’m speaking of. However, an analysis of
people switching from a standard diet to a nutrient-rich plant based diet would absolutely indicate
that, in addition to the measured increases noted (muscle strength, immunity, the senses) energy,
vitality and life force are also optimized greatly. This is a given when your body does not have to
spend so much of its energy detoxifying and repairing damage done by nutrient-poor food, or
digesting energy dense food.

Everyone wants more energy to meet the demands of modern day living, to perform better and
have a better quality of life, yet digestion is the one of most energy consuming functions of the body.
It can take more energy than running, swimming or bike riding, especially when it’s going on all the
time and the body does not have a chance to rest. We must have sufficient amounts of energy
available if we are to digest food efficiently and eliminate the toxins from the body.

If the body is not vital, the body no longer has the energy to deal with its situation. In the case of
digestion, calorie-rich, nutrient-poor food that is forced to stay in the stomach longer requires the
body to expend a tremendous account of energy forcing it out of the stomach into the intestine
where it has to travel some 30 feet. Can you imagine the energy needed to force all that fermenting
and putrefying food out of-the body? Food now takes up to 8 hours to get out of the stomach and up
to 20 to 40 hours to get through the intestines. And people wonder why they are tired after a meal
let alone all the time. On top of a very busy schedule, constantly digesting food will sap your energy.

Lack of energy (vitality) is assuredly a significant factor in why overweight and unhealthy people

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