have such a difficult time losing weight and regaining their health. Those with more vitality seem to
have a much easier time. So the key is optimizing your energy, not only from sleep, rest, recovery
and rejuvenation, and exercise which makes your body more fit and efficient, but also, by not
overwhelming the body with too many calories, digestion-intensive foods, and not enough nutrients
to do its work well.
Many nutrient-rich foods have been predigested through natural ripening or conservative cooking
and live, raw, whole, organic, nutrient rich nutrition products deliver nutrients into a form just like
the body does to make the nutrients instantly available for the body to use.
You’ve heard the phrase “you’re glowing,” and this phrase is often used to describe people who are
consuming nutrient-rich foods. It looks good on the outside and feels good on the inside not just
because of the health effects of the food, but the fact that the food does not excessively drain the
vital, electrical energy or life force of the individual to process it, the way super stimulating toxic
foods do.
As you’ll learn in Performance Lifestyle training for resilient living at NutrientRich.com,
performance IS not only an easting style, it is a lifestyle. There are 12 fundamentals that enable you
to function and perform well while maintaining your health. Nutrient-rich eating is a pivotal one.
Success Result #4: Reverse Lifestyle-Induced Diseases
Reverse disease by removing the underlying causes of illness; maximize healing and recovery
from inflammation, obesity, and the diseases that results from them; slow the progression of and
prevent lifestyle-related illness.
“What makes me frustrated, bordering on angry, is that this is preventable. This is not one of those
unfortunate acts of nature that we just have to accept as reality. This is not the product of a tsunami.”
- Jack Shonkoff, M.D., Director of the Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University
When referring to lifestyle-induced diseases, it makes sense that Dr. Shonkoff is aggravated by the
current state of health in the world and the cost to all of us. We are living in a world where for the
first time in history, lifestyle-induced diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure,
stroke, and certain cancers kill more people than infections do—accounting for an estimated 3 out
of 4 American deaths every year.^85
Both doctors and patients are locked in a losing battle to treat and cure these diseases with
medications. However, no medication has ever proven as effective to treat or prevent these
illnesses as a plant-based diet.
(^85) National Cancer Institute. Diet and Disease. http://www.cancer.gov/newscenter/entertainment/tipsheet/diet-related-
diseases. February 26, 2004.