I want to dedicate this book to all the people who care or want to care more about what and how
they eat, and, who are literally taking it to a whole new level. The Switch to Rich is truly a new
mindset around eating that is both wonderful for its impact on health and personal energy... but
also on others, the environment and other creatures. You are warriors.
To my parents Allen and Doreen Mollenhauer who have been a force of unyielding and loving
support, my whole life and career. You helped me to reach high early, and go for it in this life. You
are so courageous and are just good people. I have always been lucky to have you in my corner. I
love you.
To Grandma Dora, the way you lived had a ripple effect on Nutrient Rich coming into being. I honor
you. It’s no wonder your daughter is so amazing.
To my sister Audra, for your willingness to just tell me what you think; I can always count on you
not to mince words. I know they are loaded with loving intentions. You are wonderful too.
To all my dear friends who have been so supportive over the years, helping me test, talk out loud
and break new ground during every day interactions, so I could help define this new emerging
healthy eating style, even when the bias was to eat the status quo. Thanks for going for the ride with
me, and encouraging me.
To Joel and Lisa Fuhrman M.D. who awakened me and the world to this new premise of nutritional
excellence; your commitment to high nutrient density eating and the exemplification of it has made
it possible for others to carry the torch further. You are pioneers and dear friends, and I thank you.
To T. Colin Campbell, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share a thought in The China Study,
when who was I to be on that list? You are the most humble human being I know, with credentials
to support a massive ego, yet you approach life with unwavering integrity. You affected this project
in so many ways, from afar. I have always appreciated our conversations.
To John McDougall, MD, Michael Greger, MD, Michael Klaper, MD, Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, Alan
Goldhamer, DC and Doug Lisle, PhD and VegSource, Jeff and Sabrina—you, among others have been
inspiring and educating me for years. I want to thank you for being such pioneers and for
substantiating what people were sold short on—how to get healthy and stay that way. To the NHA
for really inspiring me to get on the path, with the best health information in the world. Thanks to
you Jerry Deutsch.