nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

However, I’m not “selling” that here because it’s not what this book is about. This is about learning
to eat plant-based Nutrient-Rich® so you can have the health, longevity, natural weight loss,
appearance and performance you’ve dreamed of and probably been denied by nutrient-poor diets.

If you want to go all the way to 100%, you can, but you don’t have to. Eating only 10% (or less) of
your diet from animal and refined foods, you can still get all seven success results. At least 90%
plant-based Nutrient Rich® will give you what you need. And 90% plant-based will be a boon to the
planet the more people do it (especially compared to the 90% nutrient-poor most people rely on

Doing something for the planet is better than doing nothing, and in this case, 90% is a big
something—such a radical shift toward what’s best for the planet that it’s silly to split hairs. It’s not
perfect, but it’s darn near perfect, enough to make a radical difference. Critics who claim 90% is not
enough should consider that the perfect is the enemy of the good. If you can’t get to 100%, isn’t it
better on every level to just stick with 90% if a person chooses to consume a mere 10% nutrient-
poor animal and refined foods, or is it better to go back to the way most people eat today which is

In his groundbreaking book Diet for a New America, John Robbins said “that no one would go
hungry in the world if people would simply cut their animal product consumption by only 10% less
than they were already eating.^147 " Only 10% less animal foods and no one would go hungry? (Keep
in mind, that’s just 10% less than the current intake. If that would help so much, imagine what
would happen if people consumed 10% or less of their total dietary intake from animal products and
refined foods? The world would be almost unrecognizable. That possibility gets me out of bed in the

The final reason I don’t insist on 100%, even though I myself do it today (I didn’t always), is that not
everyone feels optimal eating 100% plant-based, especially at first, for many reasons both physical
and psychological. We discussed this already on pages 96-98, and will cover it in more detail now.

After observing and investigating this particular “failure to thrive at 100% plant-based”

phenomenon for many years (and experiencing it myself in the early days of my own transition); in

2011, I asked Dr. Michael Klaper for his opinion about why people have difficulty going

100% plant-based on a vegan diet. Dr. Klaper is a leading medical doctor who specializes in

the vegan community.

My question and our discussion led to an exclusive report called The Failure to Thrive: Speculations
on the Nutritional Adequacy of 100% Plant-Based Diets, from which I will now quote extensively
because it addresses this issue so clearly and fully.

Here is an excerpt of what Dr. Klaper said:

(^147) Robbins J. Diet for a New America. Tiburon, CA: HJ Kramer Inc; 1987.

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