nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1
And for those who want to go 100% plant based, vegan, this
is what your healthy eating plate would look like.

You simply remove any animal products and refined foods
and derive 100 percent of your foods, meals and menus from
vegetables, fruits, bean / legumes, whole grains and starchy
vegetables, nuts, seeds and avocados.

Understanding Processed and Refined Food

As we’ve shown, the Nutrient Rich® Healthy Eating Plan, or Plate as you now may think of it,
“acknowledges” a 10% of total calories from animal and/or refined foods. We’ve noted the many
reasons one might wish to include this 10% (or less) either in the beginning or sometimes long-
term, while also noting that it’s not necessary and some may wish and be able to reach 100% plant-
based consistently. It’s about how you thrive, mentally and physically and what’s going to get you
eating at least 90% or More Plant Based Nutrient Rich® which is the tipping point for all seven
success results.

We’ve also offered a lot of data about the nutritional value (and lack thereof) in animal foods, and
its other qualities and effects, so you can make informed decisions about animal products when and
if you include them.

Now, since your 10% may also include refined or processed foods, let’s cement your understanding
of this category. You’ll want to know the difference between processing and refining food, since the
largest percentage of the average SAD is refined grains with refined added salt, oil, and sugar.

The distinctions you’ll make here will ease your mind about processed foods, point out the pitfalls,
and help you focus on minimizing or eliminating refined food as you make the switch.

Processed Food:
A food can be processed and still be a whole food. Examples of this would be hummus, a smoothie, a
chopped salad, or a black bean puree, where all the original nutrients are still there even though the
form of the food has transformed.

Processed food has gotten a bad rap. And while most of it deserves that bad rap, not all processed
foods are created equal.

Refined Food:
Refined food too is processed, only in this case, the nutrients have been stripped out and the
pleasure-stimulating chemicals have been left in. Such foodstuffs may also have some nutrients
added back in for marketing purposes, and to meet the basic RDA (Recommended Daily
Allowances) of certain nutrients to prevent deficiency diseases.

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