nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

or less each day, or less than 10% of total caloric intake.

If I use salt at all, I only sprinkle a bit on the surface of the foods I eat after cooking.

I completely avoid foods containing trans-fats.

I eat up to one to two pounds of raw and cooked vegetables every day.

I vary my vegetable intake to include a variety of cruciferous vegetables, such as kale, bok choy, collards
and other leafy greens, green vegetables, colored non-starchy vegetables, plus onions and mushrooms.

I enjoy mixed vegetable and fruit smoothies, vegetable juices or live juice powders mixed with water or
coconut water, when I’m on the run or don’t have a significant need for calories.

I eat at least one cup of beans and legumes every day.

I eat up to four and as much as six pieces of a fruit every day, depending on activity levels.

I eat one to four ounces of nuts, seeds, and/or avocado each day, for healthy fats and nutrients,
depending on my activity levels and the amount of weight I need to lose. *

I eat whole grains and starchy vegetables conservatively, depending on my activity levels and the
amount of weight I need to lose.

I get tested and subsequently supplement any essential nutrients in which I have the potential to be
deficient, even with a nutrient-rich healthy eating style (possible examples include but are not limited to
omega 3 fats, DHA, vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc, calcium, iodine, iron, selenium).

When I shop, it’s mainly in the produce aisles, the frozen foods section, and the bulk and canned food
sections, as well as the specialty areas that promote nutrient-rich foods.

The foods in my kitchen support my eating habits.

I assert my nutrient-rich food preferences when I eat out.

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