Your commitment to healthy eating and nutritional balance is enhancing your lifestyle as a whole.
You are now beginning to integrate new lifestyle skills so that you can achieve your goals even
better. You want to move onward toward other aspects of a successful lifestyle, beyond nutrition,
such as spiritual liberation, supportive psychology, and higher levels of function and performance.
You want to learn personal energy management, sustainable training and conditioning, and
improve on your goal achievement abilities.
You have a choice now—you can stay at Black Belt or you still can progress to new degrees of
insight. Right now you have the basics handled, but it gets better, and your knowledge can expand.
To maintain and develop your eating style even further, start Performance Lifestyle for resilient
living training here at It will give you new insights, help you streamline and step
up your game!
What’s it like to be Black Belt...and beyond?
When you are a Black Belt (or a “Nutrient Ninja” as the most advanced Black Belts like to call
ourselves), you have mastered how to eat in the healthiest ways possible.
Black Belt or Ninjas don’t stand out or make a big deal out of what they are. You don’t even see
them coming and you only see them fighting when they have to. And because they are proficient, it
all seems so simple, quick and easy. Think Bruce Lee!
Similar to someone who is proficient at eating Nutrient Rich®, Black Belts aren’t fighting battles
every minute of the day. White Belts, Yellow Belts, and Green Belts may be fighting continuous
battles, as they are trying to prove themselves while they get grounded in experience. Black belts
know what fights to fight and which to avoid. They are also smart enough to know when to walk
away, and when to take things to a whole new level in a very deliberate fashion.
That’s what makes them Black Belts. They have all the basic skills down, and they continually
A Black Belt is someone who has mastered a basic proficiency at a martial art. Ninjas have more
experience applying basic proficiencies in a variety of situations. They are more integrated and
understand various schools of thought and when to apply them. There are various degrees of Black
Belt in the martial arts, such a first degree Black Belt, second degree, and so on.
You don’t have to be a Nutrient Ninja to enjoy an amazing proficiency level, but at least you know
that you always have the potential to grow and optimize your nutrition in ever greater ways.
I remember talking with one of my lifestyle coaching clients years ago, and she asked “how much
better can I eat?” I asked her “Well, how high is high?”