Not only are nutrient-rich foods great-tasting, but they can be prepared in so many super-delicious
ways, with recipes from any plant-based vegetarian, raw, vegan, or nutrient-rich recipe guide. The
key thought is making sure that you are eating relatively free of additive substances, else you’ll find
yourself having a very difficult time, wondering why you are drawn to unhealthy eating, eating for
the wrong reasons, or unable to get the results you want.
You don’t need to eat some Spartan idea of “traditionally healthy,” such as just a plain salad, greens
with lemon, or nothing but fruit. These are traditional defaults because most people never learned
the diversity that nutrient-rich eating really represents, and the skills to parlay those diverse foods
into even more diverse and great tasting meals and menus. The nutrient-rich food revolution is
changing this. You just don’t need animal fats, refined and added salt, oil and sugar and
countless chemicals to make foods taste great.
In addition, if you oversimplify this eating style and don’t learn how to make it the way you like it,
in simple ways, the attributes of an animal-product- and refined-food-based diet will take over. Just
“pop in the oven” or “open the wrapper” and soon you’ll be eating super-stimulating toxic food all
over again.
This is not to say that there aren’t nutrient-rich foods with similar conveniences. After all,
packaging technology has advanced. However, nutrient-rich foods, meals, and menus usually
require a little extra time to become just the way you like them. Take that time, and soon it’ll be
second nature—and you’ll love your food and the results.
Closing Remarks on Optimizing Your Food Intake (for now)
Technically, nutrient density, volume and great taste and whether or not you are eating free of
addictive substances that drive people eat for the wrong reasons, will determine your calorie
intake. But for explanatory purpose I talked about calorie density second. In reality, if you get the
first three points right, that will help determine how many calories you actually need to consume,
even factoring activity levels, gender etc.
More Real-World Concerns
Things Don’t Always Work Out Perfectly
And that’s perfectly fine. There are times when you won’t get your preferences met, eat the ideal
foods or even have access to nutrient-rich foods in our still nutrient-poor dominated food
marketplace. Don’t get upset; it happens and the 10% can come in handy.
There are also times when you will violate one guideline or another. That’s okay and perfectly
normal. This is your eating style, not a rigid diet program.
However, the more expressed your preferences are, and the more organized your lifestyle is, the
less often you’ll experience things “not working out” the way you want them to. When you don’t