performance, and success. Energy debt causes you to act out of balance and compensate for low
energy with over stimulating lifestyle behaviors. This causes you to sink even further into that
downward energy trend. Learn and implement The Energy Regeneration Method™ to identify and
break free from the negative impact of personal energy debt.
Eat Nutrient Rich®
Do you want to stop the cycle of junk food
cravings, unnecessary hunger and emotional
weight gain? When your body lacks what it
nutritionally needs to function and perform well,
you set yourself up for dietary failure. Every day we are “sold” foods that simply deny us any real
health value. Learn about eating up to 90% or More Plant-Based Nutrient Rich® foods—for better
health, higher performance energy and natural weight loss.
Activate and Strengthen Your Body
Fitness is not just about working out and “hitting
the gym.” Sustained fitness is about managing
activity, momentum, and routinely activating and
strengthening your body. Learn how to ditch the
overly-regimented exercise programs that you can’t stick with. Exchange them for a personal
activation plan that enables you to develop the stability, strength, and power to meet and exceed
the demands of your desired life. Learn how to challenge yourself physically and make fitness a fun
and rewarding exercise!
Recharge Your Life Force
Imagine a lifestyle where you have the exact amount
of personal energy you need on tap, and when you
need it most. Learn the most amazing secrets behind
energy regeneration and how simple and effective it
is to automatically recharge your life force, at almost any time, and in almost any situation. Learn to
recuperate and recharge your life force so you have the ongoing power you need to meet your goals
each day. Everything you do depends on it.
Own Your Schedule
Time is one of our most precious gifts in life, and
too often we sink deep into a downward trend
because our schedule wears us down. Learn what
it means to “own” your personal and business time
around your weekly capacity to perform well. A health-promoting Performance Lifestyle should
support your schedule—not destroy or distract it. By taking full ownership of your schedule you
can more effectively operate at your optimal energy capacity every day. Actively learn how to