nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

The variety of meals and menus that it’s possible to create using all these foods is so vast; you will
never get to them all in this lifetime. It’s virtually unlimited. When you make the decision to obtain
no more than 10% of your diet from foods that are nutrient-poor food, refined foods and animal
products (foods you will soon learn to identify), you will have the best of all worlds—a
smorgasbord of foods you can choose from for life, and all the health, appearance and longevity
success results you’ve ever wanted. This couldn’t be more of a win-in, and that’s why I’m so excited
to bring you the Nutrient Rich healthy Eating Plan.

It’s healthy, it’s tasty and it works. What more could you ask?

The Natural Change Process

Although ultimately making the switch is easy and a no-brainer—in the sense that it’s proven, it’s
explicit, it’s tasty, it’s plentiful, and it works—it’s helpful to recognize that for most people, changing
your eating in this way will take time. Even if you switch to 90% (or more, perhaps up to 100%)
plant-based nutrient-rich food overnight, you will still be progressing through a nutrition transition
as you change your lifestyle. There will be a learning curve and adjustments to make.

Knowing this, I did some research into the natural change process.
I wanted to gain a better understanding of why some of us change faster than others. I have learned
about the general process people go through when making a change—almost any change, small or

The switch to rich is a large change because it involves and integrates so many areas of one’s life.
That doesn’t mean it has to take a long time; it just means that you will go through these stages at
your own pace. If you are aware of them, you will likely be able to change much faster (and more
comfortably) as you understand what you need to do next to change.

Therefore, please keep these stages in mind as you read this book and travel the path to Nutrient
Rich® Healthy Eating from where you are right now. Doing so will enable you to feel good about
every stage, so you need not feel you “should” be further ahead than where you authentically are.

Each stage of change requires some inspiration, education and support for you to move through it
with confidence. “Taking action,” as we define it in the context of making the switch to rich, is not
only about making the changes, but also taking the psychological steps needed to effect change and
prepare for it.

Applying my understanding of the intrinsic nature of change, this book is designed to support you
in making a significant, powerful change in your eating style—respecting the natural progression of
the change process. Reading this book will take you through the following steps, from
contemplation all the way to action.

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