nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

We are all extremely busy, so one of the keys to success is to start out on the right foot. I’ve done my
best to bring forth a helpful context here, along with content that is substantiated in the most
common-sense ways and is balanced with sound science that you can hang your hat on. There is
just enough information in this book about nutritional science to help you make the switch

As you travel the path, your desire to learn and understand more about nutrition will likely grow.
You can take a deeper dive into nutritional science later. You can fill in the blanks by asking
questions in the Forum; taking part in our tele-trainings; and reading books
written by the pioneers and leaders who are part of The Lifestyle, Health and Science Advisory
Council at These are the giant shoulders on which the Nutrient Rich idea stands.

It is ultimately simple to make the switch, yet for many it can be challenging at the start. It can even
appear radical on more than one front, because you are taking a stand for not only quality of food
but quality of life. This requires physical, emotional, social and intellectual adjustments.

At the same time, I promise you’ll find this to be the most normal, natural, diversity-driven and
unrestricted way to eat (unless you are in a health crisis), once you make the Switch and even start
eating nutrient-rich versions of your old food favorites.

This is a knowledge-based approach to eating that is simply committed to nutritional excellence.
You will be eating more plant-based, nutrient-rich foods than ever before simply because that’s
where the nutrients come from—and you will want more of these good things for your body as you
see the results.

Focusing on eating More Plant-Based Nutrient Rich®, with a goal of 90% or more, is easier than
drawing a hard line in the sand that cuts you off or isolates you from others. You may choose to
become vegan and never eat another animal product again, but that’s up to you. You do not need to
be vegan to be eating Nutrient Rich, although none of our recipes contain animal foods. We just
don’t promote them.

As simple as making the decision to switch really is, making the nutrition transition that follows can
be eventful to say the least. Stay open-minded and don’t be too quick to draw conclusions—for
example, regarding whether or not you like the taste or texture of a food, or how you feel after you
eat it. Habits and preferences take time to change; you may have old biases, you may have “stories”
about experiences at times when you were thinking and eating very differently (as far back as
childhood). Tastes buds even change slowly from a physiological standpoint; it can take 10 to 15
tries of a new food because they become accustomed to it!

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