nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

Find a practitioner who can help you navigate the healing process. The Nutrient-Rich® Healthy
Eating Plan is about making the switch to rich an essential part of your healthy lifestyle. It will
serve you well.

Live resiliently and enjoy yourself!

Real People, Real Success—How We Arrived

John Allen Mollenhauer—My Story

Remember those old Remington Razor commercials where the guy would
say— "I loved the product so much I bought the company?" Well, when it
comes to The Nutrient Rich Way to Eat™, I could say something very

It took me a while to discover nutrient-rich healthy eating, and to learn
how to eat nutrient rich as part of a resilient lifestyle. Transitioning away
from all the nutrient-poor foods that gripped my health had as much to
do with understanding nutritional excellence as it did, resolving the
issues I was using food to cope with.

Experiencing all the success results you will learn about in this book inspired me to take my
lifestyle to the next level. Once I did, I was hooked, and today I'm not just the founder of, but I'm passionately helping others accelerate their entry into this way of eating
and way of life—saving the 20 years or more that it has taken some people to discover The Nutrient
Rich® Way to Eat and develop a resilient lifestyle.

It took me 20 years of research and experimentation in the game of life to arrive, and to fully
understand why nutrient-rich healthy eating is so essential to your health and well-being. There
was no or direct path like this one to shorten the process. I had to piece this all
together, little by little, and it was only in the last five years that it has come together in a way that
helps people really understand this eating style on a mass scale, and to become the movement is
currently is.

People have been eating “plant-based” for a very long time, but eating “nutrient rich” is new, and
takes your eating to whole new level of optimization. Nutrient rich healthy eaters know how to eat
successfully. It takes healthy eating from a vague idea to a resoundingly successful quality-of-life

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