rapidly age-promoting animal protein and fat, cholesterol, salt, sugar and toxic chemicals, all
of which deplete, toxify, and kill your cells.
You want to live longer, and no longer set your sights on 72-79 as your likely age of death.
(Sure, some SAD eaters can get to their 80s or 90s, with luck and technology, but they are
kept alive in most cases by drugs and surgery, usually don’t have a great quality of life and
their deaths are rarely graceful. As you’ll learn, 72 - 79 is a full 25 years short of a true
healthy life expectancy.)
You want to save the dwindling supply of animals and fish on the planet and
eliminate their needless suffering. We are currently producing and/or wiping out 55
billion animals a year to serve animal protein to a fraction of the seven billion people on the
planet (soon to reach nine billion)!
You are eco-savvy and want to promote sustainability. You may already know that the
production of tens of billions of animals a year for food is not only cruel, but
environmentally destructive and completely unsustainable. (Say goodbye to lungs of the
planet—the Amazon—if we don’t switch up our diet as a population fairly quickly. We
aren’t talking about a century; we’re likely talking about the next quarter of your lifetime.
See http://www.NutrientRich.com/save-face .) You may feel compelled to protect the
environment from the current devastation that we cover up, ignore, or conveniently deny
because it feels too big to affect. But you can affect it, every single time you sit down to eat.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to make a change, get connected to them—start expressing
them, telling others about them. Talk yourself into it by sharing it. Tap into the collective desire to
be healthy and be part of the movement in any way that feels right.
If you are reading this book, you already are inspired by something. Now widen that opening. Your
reasons are whatever move you and drive you forward. Without a clear reason and purpose, you
are far less likely to have the endurance and stamina to see a change like this all the way through.
Anyone who has become the change they want to see has compelling reasons underneath and
behind and out in front of them, pushing and pulling.
What is your reason? Perhaps you discovered your reason in the list above, but maybe want to state
it another way. Or maybe you have one I haven’t thought of. Once you have your deepest reason to
change the way you eat, it’s in your power to make that change. We are simply giving you a big
helping hand.
Your reason for making the switch: