It’s your choice to eat nutrient-poor food, and you are free to make it. But really look hard at how
much of a choice (vs. a knee-jerk, addicted impulse) is involved. Look at whether it’s what you really
If you stay vested in the nutrient-poor unhealthy eating styles that dominate our society—the SAD,
weight loss-only diets and “half-baked healthier” diet tactics, you will stay diet-trapped, and
chances are pretty good that “living” won’t feel so good after a while. Meanwhile, those who are
eating nutrient rich will be “living” too, but they’ll be living free of weight and health complications.
If you want to try something different and learn how to eat in a way that actually delivers the
health, performance, and appearance results you want—while also tasting great and avoiding all
the head games that virtually every other diet and standard “healthy-eating” attempt can put you
through—then you are reading the right book.
Facing the Facts
Let's take a look at some staggering statistics.^8
Sugar-sweetened beverages are the largest source of sugar in the diets of children and
About 46% of adults' added sugar intake comes from sugary drinks.
40% of every dollar spent on food is spent on food prepared outside the home.
One study showed that obese people are 83% more likely to develop kidney disease
compared to normal-weight people.
In the United States in 2010, more than 63% of people are overweight or obese.
One in four adults gets no leisure-time moderate or vigorous physical activity at all.
79 million Americans are prediabetic.
The obese workforce costs American business an estimated $73.1 billion per year.
In the 25 years between 1987 and 2010, the number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes
almost tripled, to 20.9 million.
Currently in the United States, only 4% of elementary schools, 8% of middle schools and 2%
of high schools provide daily physical education or its equivalent.
90% of parents with obese children do not seek medical help.
(^8) HBO. The Weight of the Nation.