Now that’s a Switch of its own sort and the world I want to live in. I’m betting you can get excited
about that vision too. It starts with you. The benefits will be all yours—but the bonus is that you will
be part of a movement whose influence can make radical improvements in a nutrient-impoverished
world that doesn’t have to be.
It starts with making the Switch to Rich yourself; once you do and experience the result, who knows
what kind of impact you’ll have. That’s all I did, and all some of the biggest leaders in the “plant-
based,” “plant-strong,” “nutrient-rich” healthy eating movement have done. We saw the need
personally, followed our passion professionally and have all of done amazing things that are
affecting each other and the rest of the world.
For example, two of the biggest promoters of plant-based diets in the world are Jeff and Sabrina
Nelson, who transformed their own health as a result of switching to a 100% plant-based, Vegan
diet. They founded and began promoting Vegetarian and Vegan eating on October
19, 1996. They gave voice to many of the top docs in the movement, as well as to me when I first
started developing the “Nutrient Rich” idea in early 2003
It was years later, after reflecting on the iconic graphic they created to promote their Healthy
Lifestyle Conference™ , which I’ve been going to almost every year for a decade, that I realized how
much of an inspiration they have been. This image illustrates the Switch beautifully, with such a strong
The picture on the left is a nutrient-poor, calorie-rich body that is fat and likely sick, and the picture on
the right is nutrient-rich, calorie-appropriate, able to stay lean and healthy. If you haven’t really thought
about what eating nutrient poor looks like in your body—just look at this picture and eating the SAD
Standard American Diet will never look as appealing as it once did—you really are what you eat.
© and reprinted with permission from