nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

If you do eat some cheese, don’t sweat it; soon, when you get to 90% or More Plant-Based Nutrient
Rich®, your preference for cheese will likely change along with your health.

  1. Keep it whole.
    The "whole" point of a plant-based, nutrient-rich diet is to reap the nutrition rewards of whole
    grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. Don't pile up on refined carbs, such as white
    flour and sugar. Plan every meal around fresh vegetables that are in season; whole grains like
    quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and bulgur; legumes such as lentils and soy; and fruits. You can do
    this in great-tasting ways that are only limited by your imagination.

There are whole foods pros like our very own Ramses Bravo, a no salt, oil or sugar (NoSOS) Chef,
whose recipes in our Step 3 book, Simple, Quick & Easy Nutrient Rich Recipes, will show you how
to do amazing things with natural foods. Many others, including Ramses Bravo, John McDougal M.D.,
Alexandra Jamieson, Andrea Beaman, Brendan Brazier, Joel Fuhrman, M.D., Rosie Battista, and
frankly whole food enthusiasts all over the world, who have published incredible whole-foods,
plant-based nutrient-rich recipes. See a list of plant-based cookbook recommendations in Recipe
Database and in the Support Center at

  1. Think YES!
    It's not about what you can't have; it's about what you CAN have! Eating nutrient rich is not a diet; it
    is a food quality standard you maintain for your life. Feel the difference already? Dieters think about
    what they can’t eat; healthy eaters focus on what they want to eat.

Take a trip to the produce section of your supermarket, or visit a farmers’ market and feast your
eyes on the rainbow of plant foods available. (Then buy some and throw them together!) Other than
refined foods (which aren’t really foods at all), this class of foods (plants) is the largest available. It
contains more foods and more possible meals and menus than you could ever get to in this lifetime.

You can eat nutrient rich in just as many ways as you can eat nutrient poor. However, when you eat
the nutrient-rich way, the foods you eat serve your body. Nutrient-poor foods burden your body.
Even if both taste great, given the choice, which do you choose? Would you rather eat great-tasting
food that is bad for you or good for you?

I have just given you nine actions that will get you into the game and begin your transition, right
now. Meanwhile, you’ll continue to learn the more detailed ins and outs of Nutrient Rich® healthy
eating and get the knowledge you need for confidence and expertise.

If you really want to know how to get superbly, optimally healthy and live at your true best weight,
all year round, making the Switch to Nutrient Rich®—The Great-Tasting Healthy Way to Eat is the
smartest choice. I hope you decide to make the switch. It will be one of the best choices you ever

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