Not at all; what it means is:
(a) You have a choice. It’s up to you. No one is deciding for you. You can choose anything you desire.
(b) What do you desire?
You could jump off a tall building if you wanted. That’s a choice in the realm of choices you could
make. However, there will be a consequence; you can’t jump off the building and defy the laws of
gravity and maintain a body in one piece.
You can also eat donuts and French fries if you want. There will be consequences. Whether you
want to bear those consequences, whether they’re worth it, is up to you. You can have donuts and
French fries; you can eat anything you want to. The question is do you want to? How much do you
want to—knowing the consequences, and knowing the alternatives and the benefits if you don’t?
Awareness of the consequences, the alternatives and the benefits is all part of the knowledge base
we’re providing here to offer you true choice and freedom. This is genuinely informed choice, which
you can’t ever get from a diet mentality.
The Great Rule—part one and two—will be something you can fully embody when you have
learned further details about the costs of nutrient-poor eating and the benefits of Nutrient Rich®.
In short order, you are going to be so motivated to eat as healthy as you can that you’ll be saying, “I
can eat whatever I want; but I don’t want fake ice cream, I want nutrient-rich ice cream!”
So, let’s really begin to learn those details! Let’s explore the differences between nutrient-rich food,
nutrient-poor food and nutrient-barren food—core knowledge to guide your choices and motivate
The Three Classes of Food™
Every single food you can possibly imagine eating can be ranked according to its nutrient density. It
is important to know the nutrient density or the "nutrient richness” of the foods you are eating in
order to understand how your diet is affecting your health and well-being.
When you are familiar with The Three Classes of Food, you will be able to pick up any food and
know whether or not it is promoting all of the success results that I will describe in the next
section—or if it is selling you short, like weight-loss-only or half-baked “healthier” diets do. (While
those eating styles are better than the Standard American Diet, they are not even close to being
nutrient rich. After learning about The Three Classes of Food, you'll understand why.)
Let’s start with the foods most people eat...