First-Class (Nutrient-Rich) Foods
These are whole foods of plant origin that are rich and diverse in virtually all of
the nutrients your body needs to function stay healthy and perform well. They
are the only foods with natural fiber and phytochemicals, and they do not
contain (in any significant amount) substances your body does not need.
It is recommended that you maintain a diet made up of 90% or more plant-based Nutrient Rich®
foods for the best all-around results.
First-Class (Nutrient-Rich) Foods include:
Raw or slightly roasted nuts and seeds
Whole, unrefined grains
In the long-ago past, eating “first class” was defined as eating foods that were rich in calories, as
throughout history getting enough calories was hard to do. However, today getting enough calories
is not a problem; it’s getting enough nutrients. That’s the challenge for most people.
Most (not all) calorie-rich foods are nutrient-poor. Eating high-calorie, low-nutrient foods is the
primary cause of overweight, obesity and health complications. If you are overweight and
experiencing health complications because of your diet, you are likely eating a second-class or even
a third-class diet!
Today, eating “first class” means eating nutrient-rich foods that are appropriate in calories given
their source. (Not all nutrient-rich foods are low in calories. All it takes is eating a handful of nuts to
realize this. )
Think back to the last food you ate. Which class did it fall into? Once you know the answer, you
know whether it was nutrient-rich, nutrient-poor or nutrient-barren. It’s that’s simple!
As you continue to consider the foods you choose to eat day to day, you will begin to identify the
percentage of your diet that is nutrient rich in just this way.
Chances are that since society has taught us all to eat predominantly animal products and refined
foods, which are calorie-rich and nutrient-poor, the majority of your diet is nutrient-poor, which is
why you are reading a guide called Switch to Rich. Once you make the decision to switch, you’ll start
eating your way up to 90% or more plant-based Nutrient Rich®!