Cheese is a great example of a popular but unhealthy animal-based food. Cheese is high in calories
(about 100 calories per ounce on average) and fat (6 to 9 grams per ounce, most of which is
saturated), and often contains a lot of sodium. Cheese is also a source of conjugated linoleic acid
(CLA), a fat that may have anti-cancer, weight-reducing and heart-protective effects, but you would
have to eat an awful lot of cheese to get any meaningful amount of CLA, and you would be ingesting
a lot of unneeded calories and fat in the process.
What is the result of this skewed nutrition trend? As a culture, we are loading our bodies with
highly processed, nutrient-deficient foods that leave us hungry and craving more. Worse, many are
convinced that these foods are healthy, that we need to eat them for protein or to get enough
calcium. The result is that we are getting fatter and sicker—and are dying younger.
Right now, according the American Diabetes Association, two out three people are overweight or
obese, and more than 20 million people are suffering from diabetes.^23 Sixty-four million people are
suffering from one or more forms of cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure,
coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, stroke and peripheral vascular disease,^24 and
according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, in 1999 cancer surpassed heart disease as the
leading cause of death for Americans younger than 85.^25
In addition, according to an August 2011 Huffington Post report, “Right now in the United States,
about 32% of men and 35% of women are obese, and more than half of Americans will be obese by
2030 if things continue the way they are now.^26 "
The article continues by stating, “As a result, there will also be an additional 6.8 million cases of
stroke and heart disease, 7.8 million cases of diabetes and 539,000 cases of cancer, which could
place an extra $66 billion burden on the nation's healthcare bill.^27 "^
Do you want to be one of those statistics? Do you want to suffer from illnesses that are “lifestyle-
induced”—but that can be eliminated or significantly improved by simply changing the food you
put into your mouth? It really is that simple when you make the switch to The Nutrient Rich®
Healthy Eating Plan.
You will eventually stop spending so much of your money on medications and other health care.
Nutrient-dense eating, as a therapeutic intervention, is quite often more effective than drugs and/or
surgery at restoring health from chronic diseases.^28 Why? Because Nutrient Rich® healthy eating
(^23) American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Statistics
(^24) Fuhrman J. Nobody Needs to Have Heart Disease. Nutritional Education Institute. Volume 2.
(^25) U.S Centers for Disease Control. Trends in Childhood Cancer Mortality – United States, 1990- 2004.
(^26) Chan A. Half of Americans To Be Obese By 2030: Report. The Huffington Post. Aug 26, 2011.
(^27) Ibid.
(^28) Fuhrman J. About