nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

literally contains nature’s “magic pills”—phytochemicals, which are whole substances more
powerful at disease prevention than any pharmaceutical medication.

Now is the time to be honest with yourself about how you are currently eating so you can make the
switch to rich and begin eating up to 90% or more plant-based Nutrient Rich® foods with confidence.
Then you can become a different and better statistic!

Start thinking about what your food choices are doing to your body and your longevity potential.
When it comes to your lifespan, you don’t want your food choices selling you short.

In order to live long and healthy, we need to make a nutrition transition in the right direction
toward genuinely healthy eating. This doesn't mean going back to the way our ancient ancestors
may have eaten, like the Paleo diet supporters argue, but rather returning to what modern science
and common sense says is the healthiest way to eat—for people, the land, animals and the planet.

This transition starts with making the wholehearted decision to switch to rich—and continues with
learning the science and history behind it as well as the practicalities of living it.

Don’t feel bad if you make some startling or discouraging discoveries about the way you are
currently eating as we run through the landscape of typical diets on the following pages. Obviously,
you are not alone. This is how we have been conditioned to eat since birth, and people do what they
know. Once you know differently, you will eat differently. You can be glad you learned this sooner
rather than later!

Typical Diets, Traps, and Vicious Cycles

The Standard American Diet (SAD)—Eating Whatever, Whenever

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