nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

If you feel this way, you are weight-loss-only dieting, and it’s very unhealthy. Losing weight isn't a
struggle when you know how to Lose Weight the Nutrient Rich Way (Step 4 of the Nutrient Rich
Healthy Eating Plan); it just comes naturally.

There are entire industries betting that you will fall for nutrient-depleted eating styles. As a result,
people are continually becoming diet-trapped

While weight-loss-only diets may help you shed unwanted pounds before swimsuit season, they are
usually only focused on (temporary) weight loss. There may be some health benefits compared to
the effects of the SAD, but you will never get ALL the success results—detoxification, natural
(sustainable) weight loss, health optimization, disease reversal, aging slower, a younger look and a
healthy life expectancy—when eating a nutrient-poor diet focused on weight loss only.

An Introduction to Diet-Speak and the Power of Your Thinking

What is “diet-speak” and “diet thinking?” It’s what keeps you stuck in a vicious cycle of eating this
and not eating that, with just enough short-term success to keep you hooked. We have all been
indoctrinated into this way of thinking and speaking by the food, beverage, fitness, pharmaceutical,
medical and weight-loss industries.

These industries are market geniuses that have created a need and then proceeded to fill it with
their own products—so-called "diet solutions." But these diets aren't solutions. They are products
of industries with a vested interest in perpetuating the never-ending cycle of keeping people
overweight. The culture of speaking and thinking that keeps you fat and sick is a boon for these
types of businesses and nothing more.

To break free of this cycle, and escape the sway of these industries and cultural mindsets, you must
change not only how you eat, but also how you think and live. And to change this thinking, you have
to be able to identify it and recognize it. Diet-speak and diet traps are holding you back from having
the vibrant health and peace of mind you seek.

"Diet-speak" is what I call a dysfunctional, low-concept language (shared by most of our culture)
that helps to keep you trapped in weight loss-only and half-baked healthier eating practices that
only lead to failure.

When making the switch, we have to get a basic "nutrient-rich" nutritional education, gain new info
and insights into what it means to eat healthy and why—and also, change the language we use to
describe what's going on. Otherwise, the vicious cycle of eating nutrient-poor is doomed to repeat
itself based on inaccurate ideas and thinking.

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