166 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations
to job context and specifi c technical skills. The job description could be on a
broader set of KSAOCs instead of on specifi c tasks or behaviors.
Competency Modeling
Competency modeling is a method of collecting and organizing job infor-
mation and worker attributes into broad competencies. Competencies are
descriptions of the characteristics and quali-
ties that a person needs to possess to perform
a job successfully. A competency model is a set
of competencies that are necessary for effective
performance, and they typically cover a broader
range of jobs than traditional job analysis. Many
organizations adopt a critical set of core compe-
tencies that are required of organization mem-
bers across all jobs and all levels. Brannick, Levine, and Morgeson (2007)
discuss competency modeling in the context of managerial positions.
Bartram (2005) has identified eight competencies for managerial
Leading and deciding , described as telling other people what to do
and deciding what action to take
Supporting and cooperating , described as working well with other
people and being a team player
Interacting and presenting , described as persuading others and pos-
sessing social confi dence and presentation skills
Analyzing and interpreting , described as effectively analyzing prob-
lems and being comfortable with data
Creating and conceptualizing , described as dealing effectively with change
and moving things forward according to the larger environment
Organizing and executing , described as planning to meet objectives
and ensuring customer satisfaction
Adapting and coping , described as handling pressure and bouncing
back after setbacks
Enterprising and performing described as focusing on results and
understanding fi nances (p. 138).
Exhibits 6.4 and 6.5 provide examples of competencies identifi ed for
Canadian public managers (Bourgault, Chairf, Maltais, & Rouillard, 2006)
and from the American Cancer Society, Florida Chapter.
- • • • • • • •
Competency modeling is a
method of collecting and
organizing job information
and worker attributes into
broad competencies.