Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

(vip2019) #1


number of people have made valuable contributions to this book.
I thank Allison Brunner, Rebecca Heider, and Kathleen Dolan Davies
from Jossey - Bass, as well as the four anonymous reviewers for their helpful
comments and suggestions, which I have made whenever possible.
As in the fi rst edition, friends, colleagues, and students provided assistance
by contributing workplace examples, reviewing chapters, or both. Specifi -
cally, I thank Anne Goldyche Dailey, Patricia Goldstein, and Patricia Murray
for their observations of working in and with public and nonprofi t agencies.
Thanks are also extended to Mike Durham, general counsel for the High-
lands County Sheriff ’ s Offi ce, who provided me with updated information
for the content under constitutional rights in Chapter Three.
Special acknowledgment goes to my husband, Mike McNaughton, for his
sense of humor, editorial assistance, and encouragement. I express my appre-
ciation to my sister Robyn for her encouragement as well. Like the fi rst and
second editions, this book is in honor of my mother, who always inspired me
to do my best.

In memory and honor of my parents


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