236 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
Raters evaluate employees based on a set of behavioral descriptions. The
descriptions list various degrees of behavior with regard to a specifi c per-
formance dimension and identify a range of behaviors from unacceptable
performance to outstanding performance. Ratees do not have to actually
exhibit the behaviors on the scale; rather, the behaviors serve as a guide
to help the rater and ratee understand the level of performance required
for an assigned rating. Unlike some of the other instruments, behaviorally
anchored rating scales (BARS) rely on employee behaviors — what
employees actually do and what is under their direct control.
A problem for many public and nonprofi t service providers is that
despite their best efforts, unacceptable outcomes often result. For example,
a psychiatric client may have a psychotic relapse that requires hospitaliza-
tion despite the social worker ’ s best efforts to help the client remain in the
community. BARS would evaluate the social worker on his behaviors, not
on the number of patients needing hospitalization. An advantage to using
BARS is that they reduce ambiguity because employees are provided with
descriptions of desired levels of performance. They are also accepted by
both raters and ratees because both employees and supervisors participate
in their development. A disadvantage to BARS is that their development
Exhibit 8.2. Trait Rating Scale
Name/rank ______________________________ Section __________________________
Unit ___________________________
Outstanding = 1, Very good = 2, Average = 3, Improvement needed = 4,
Unsatisfactory = 5
Judgment __________________________ Cooperation ____________________________
Dependability _______________________ Knowledge of work __________________
Work initiative _______________________ Public contacts _______________________
Quality of work ____________________ Supervisory ability ___________________
Appearance ________________________ Overall evaluation ____________________