Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

(vip2019) #1

248 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations

Exercise 8.1: The HR Director Resigns Immediately

The human resources director of Hernando County, Florida, resigned
after hours of negotiations with the new county administrator and following
an independent investigation into racial harassment and discrimination in
the utilities department. The investigation noted that current policy was
followed, but that the policies were outdated.
In addition, a series of audit and follow - up reports since 2000 had
told the HR director to tighten up processes and procedures to better
protect the county and its employees. The recommendations were never
implemented and were included in repeated audit recommendations. The
HR department never developed standard operating procedures for
the county; instead, each department had its own. The director had also
been suspended without pay earlier in the year for storing candidate
petition cards in her offi ce, a violation of the county ’ s policy about political
activities. Since then, an investigation found that the HR director was
soliciting petition cards using her county e - mail.


  1. What performance management processes would you implement to
    prevent similar problems applicable to all department directors?

  2. What additional issues should be addressed?

Sourcs: Behrendt (2008); Dupre’s downfall was long time in the making (2008,
April 26).
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