Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

(vip2019) #1

256 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations

Exhibit 9.1. Typical Compensable Factors
Each of the compensable factors is defi ned and a job specifi cation question
is noted.
Experience is the training and development acquired from previous work that is
necessary to qualify for a position, plus the training and development on the job
that is necessary for profi ciency. The requirement for this factor is usually expressed
in terms of the time necessary to acquire the experience.
Job specifi cation question: How long should the incumbent have worked in this
job or in a closely related job?
Education refers to the basic ability, skill, and intellectual requirements the posi-
tion demands, normally assumed to have been acquired by attending high school,
business school, trade school, college, or graduate school. Referring to periods of
formal schooling is convenient when comparing positions; however, the term “or
its equivalent” should usually be part of the educational specifi cations when such
reference is made.
Job specifi cation question: What does the job require in terms of formal schooling,
training, or knowledge of a specialized fi eld?
This factor is a measure of the variety and diffi culty of the work performed and the
degree of skill and judgment necessary in performing it. Complexity is found to
some extent in all positions.
Job specifi cation question: Does the job require the incumbent to show judgment
and initiative and to make independent decisions?
This refers to the degree to which the work is supervised, guided by practice or
precedent, and the requirements of the position for problem solving and decision
Job specifi cation question: How closely does the incumbent’s supervisor check his
or her work and outline specifi c methods or work procedures?
This factor measures the responsibility for directing the work of others. Its value is
determined by the nature and complexity of the work supervised, the degree of
responsibility for attaining desired results, and the number of persons supervised.
Job specification question: How many people does the incumbent supervise
directly or indirectly?
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