After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
Defi ne training and discuss why a strategic human resources man-
agement (SHRM) approach is important in today ’ s environment
Defi ne development, and discuss why an SHRM approach is
important in today ’ s environment
Describe different training delivery methods
Explain the methods used to evaluate training and development
Explain the role of the HR staff in designing and implementing
career development programs
Understand why it is important to integrate career develop-
ment programs with other HR programs such as performance
management, training, selection, and compensation
he demands placed on public and nonprofit organizations keep
changing. Agencies are threatened with budget cuts and reductions
in staff, while citizens and clients are requesting increases in the level of
services or new services. Retiring baby boomers are taking with them the
knowledge they have acquired over the years, often leaving less experi-
enced employees to provide services. Changes in technology are requiring