Strategic Human Resource Management and Technology 387
accuracy, and identifi cation of different attitudes and perceptions among
different types or categories of employees are important. Online employee
surveys can eliminate the administration of paper - and - pencil surveys and
automatically summarize data and trends such as changes in attitudes that
may deserve prompt management intervention. Linked to HRIS data, an
automated attitude survey can produce summaries of responses by such
groupings as management level, job function, location, or demographic
characteristics without manual analysis.
Training and Performance Support
In a complex HRIS, job analysis data, productivity data, skills and com-
petencies information, performance ratings, applicant qualifications,
test results, and other types of information relevant to training can be
HRIS demographic data can be analyzed to develop audience -
specifi c curricula and training formats that are most effective for
different groups.
Job requirements can be linked to training. This could include
competency - based training and assessment.
HRIS can provide online training courses or provide links to
approved vendor - supplied training courses.
HRIS can analyze the relationships between training and per-
formance ratings, turnover, compensation, and other variables to
establish cost - benefi t data on specifi c types of training.
HRIS can develop new recruitment practices, preemployment tests,
and other employment process tools based on analysis of training
data and the requirements of positions.
Restructuring Work and Technology Transfer
E - mail, computer - based training and testing, voice - activated systems,
and the range of telecommunications technologies do not necessar-
ily lead to improvements in performance or gains in productivity. Inte-
grating employees and technology can be a complex, multifaceted
function. For information systems to work, many factors need to be
considered and implemented. Job and work-fl ow analyses should be con-
ducted, qualifi ed people must be recruited and selected, and training and
retraining must be provided.