394 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations
Chapter Questions
- In small groups, describe Web - based human resources information sys-
tems you are familiar with. Based on your own experiences and Inter-
net research, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of employees
using a Web - based HRIS. What HRIS services are most convenient
for employees? - In small groups, discuss how technology has transformed your job.
Share with your group members initiatives that your organizations has
established to meet the technology challenges.
Online Activities
- In a small group, use the Web sites of Governing Magazine, Government
Technology Executive News , and the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Have each
individual discuss the most recent topics being discussed. After the
topics have been presented, discuss where the topics overlap. Do dif-
ferences exist among the technology topics of public and nonprofi t
organizations? - Using the Internet, conduct research in identifying three HRIS systems
and the companies that develop them. Develop criteria to evaluate the
systems. Then use these criteria to prepare a presentation summariz-
ing what you believe to be the benefi ts of each and introducing the
companies that developed them.