Introduction to Human Resources Management in the Public and Nonprofi t Sectors 19
Major Group Categories
Arts, culture, and humanities A
Education B
Environment and animals C, D
Health E, F, G, H
Human services I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
International, foreign affairs Q
Public, societal benefi t R,S, T, U, V, W
Religion related X
Mutual/membership benefi tY
Unknown, unclassifi ed Z
501(c)(3) Nonprofi ts
Charitable nonprofi ts are private organizations that serve a public pur-
pose. Because they operate under a nondistribution component, this pro-
hibits the distribution of profi ts or residual earnings to individuals who
control the entity. As such it is believed that they possess a greater moral
authority and concern for the public interest than private for-profi t orga-
nizations. Nonprofi ts often perform public tasks that have been delegated
to them by the state or perform tasks for which there is a demand that nei-
ther government nor for-profi t organizations offer. They provide myriad
services, such as helping the disadvantaged, providing medical services,
supporting museums and cultural activities, preserving the environment,
and funding medical research.
Nonprofi ts are thought to be more fl exible than government agencies.
They can experiment with new programs, responding more quickly to
new social needs. Instead of government getting involved in new or con-
troversial programs, it often gives money to nonprofi t agencies to do this
work instead. Nonprofi ts get fi nancial support, and clients receive services.
Government, through the conditions it places on agencies that receive pub-
lic funds, still has some infl uence but can quickly disassociate itself from
programs when things go wrong. There are often certain societal needs
that may be too expensive to be provided on a private for-profi t basis.
Therefore, in the United States, both government and the nonprofi t sector