Subject Index 453
State Department of Labor
agencies, 254
State employees: changes in the
legal framework for, 360;
described, 5; monitoring
computer use of, 381;
partnerships for, example of,
360–361; and Social Security,
286; strikes and, 356–357
State executives, described, 207
State GLBT support groups,
State governments: budget
reductions facing, 22; collective
bargaining in, 346; described,
7; and health insurance, 293,
- See also specifi c states and
state agencies
State minimum wage, 274
State of Alaska, 126
State of Illinois, Central
Management Services, 326, 327
State of Iowa, Christensen v., 276
State of Rhode Island, Department
of Mental Health,
Retardation, and Hospitals,
Cook v., 71
State of Texas et al., Hopwood et
al. v., 82–83
State of Washington, American
Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employees v., 277
State pension plans, 289, 291, 292
State Pride for Connecticut, 101
State Pride: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgendered and Allied
Employees of the State of
Texas, 101
“State to Monitor Workers’ Web
Habits,” 381
Staying Engaged, Stepping Up: Succession
Planning and Executive Transition
Management for Nonprofi t Boards
of Directors (Adams), 32
Storage technology, defi ned, 376
Stotts, Firefi ghters Local 1784 v., 83
Strategic human resources
management (SHRM):
challenges of, 398–399; and
the changing role of human
resources management,
33–36; and a changing
society, 4; conclusion on,
49–51; defi ned, xvii; described,
31, 38–39; and diversity
management, 107–110, 398;
effectiveness of, evaluating the,
46–47; exercises involving,
52, 53; and human resources
outsourcing, 36–37; and
human resources planning,
39–46; implementing, 44–46;
importance of volunteers to,
115–116; and information
technology, 389–390; and
market changes, implications
for, 397–398; overview
of, 31–33; problems and
implications of, 47–49;
questions and activity on, 54;
successful implementation
of, requirement for, 34–35;
and technology, 373–394;
underlying belief of, 400
Strategic job analysis, 150,
164–166, 312
Strategic partner role, defi ned, 35
Strategic planning, 39–46, 150,
184, 310
Strategic thinking, defi ned, as a
leadership competency, 331
Strategic-level systems, 379–380, 383
Streaming media, 318–319
Strikes, 346, 356–357, 366, 371
Structural racism, defi ned, 94
Structured checklist questionnaires,
use of, in a job analysis, 155,
156 , 158, 171–172
Structured interview process,
Structured oral exams, 192, 208
Study Guide for a Budgeting Guide, 317
Subjective measures, 235
Subordinate appraisals, use of,
Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMSA), 306
Succession planning, 42, 48, 50,
52, 53
Sundowner Offshore Service,
Oncale v., 97, 98
Supervisors, and bargaining units,
Supportive environments,
importance of, 111
Systems audits, 108, 110
Tampa Theatre, 137
Tattoos, managing employees with,
exercise involving, 113
Tax Exempt Workplace Savings
Tracker, 290
Tax Reform Act, 292
Taxes, payroll, 286–287, 288, 289
Tax-exempt organizations: broad
categories of, 19 ; classifi cation
system for, 16, 19 ; list of,
12 – 15 ; number of, 16, 17 – 18
Tax-exempt status, described, 11
Teachers College, 365
Teachers, striking, exercise
involving, 371
Team building, defi ned, as a
leadership competency, 331
Team member roles and
responsibilities, awareness of,
241, 242
Team-based job analysis, 175
Team-based performance
techniques, 241–244
Teamsters, the, 363
Teamwork, cooperation and
collaboration as a leadership
competency, defi ned, 329
Technical Career Institutes, 365
Technical credibility, defi ned, as a
leadership competency, 332
Technical employees: and
bargaining units, 347, 348;
unionization of, in the
nonprofi t sector, 365
Technical expert role, defi ned, 36
Technology: advances in, changes
resulting from, 308–309; benefi ts
of, realizing the, 11; consideration
of, in job analysis, 159; e-learning
and, 318–320; and external
recruitment, 185; and the for-
profi t sector, 3; innovations in,
10; tracking employees with, 393;
using, for training, considerations
for, 320–321. See also Information
technology (IT)
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