our hypothetical distribution of differences when the null hypothesis is false, and the alter-
native hypothesis ( ) is true. Remember that the distribution for is only hypothetical.
We really do not know the location of that distribution, other than that it is higher (greater
differences) than the distribution of. (I have arbitrarily drawn that distribution so that
its mean is 2 units above the mean under H 0 .)
The darkly shaded portion in the top half of Figure 4.3 represents the rejection region.
Any observation falling in that area (i.e., to the right of about 3.5) would lead to rejection
of the null hypothesis. If the null hypothesis is true, we know that our observation will fall
in this area 5% of the time. Thus, we will make a Type I error 5% of the time.
The cross hatched portion in the bottom half of Figure 4.3 represents the probability
(b) of a Type II error. This is the situation in which having someone waiting makes a dif-
ference in leaving time, but whose value is not sufficiently high to cause us to reject.
In the particular situation illustrated in Figure 4.3, we can in fact calculate bby using
the normal distribution to calculate the probability of obtaining a score less than3.5 (the
critical value) if m535 and s515 for each condition. The actual calculation is not im-
portant for your understanding of b; because this chapter was designed specifically to
avoid calculation, I will simply state that this probability (i.e., the area labeled b) is .76.
Thus for this example, 76% of the occasions when waiting times (in the population) differ
by 3.5 seconds (i.e., is actually true), we will make a Type II error by failing to reject
when it is false.
From Figure 4.3 you can see that if we were to reduce the level of a(the probability of
a Type I error) from .05 to .01 by moving the rejection region to the right, it would reduce
the probability of Type I errors but would increase the probability of Type II errors. Setting
aat .01 would mean that b5.92. Obviously there is room for debate over what level of
significance to use. The decision rests primarily on your opinion concerning the relative
importance of Type I and Type II errors for the kind of study you are conducting. If it were
H 0
H 1
H 0
H 0
H 1 H 1
98 Chapter 4 Sampling Distributions and Hypothesis Testing
–6 –4 –2 0
Difference in means
H 0 = True
–6 –4 –2 0
Difference in means
H 0 = False
H 0 H 1
Figure 4.3 Distribution of mean differences under H 0 and H 1